Sprite – gaming lottery

#CASE STUDY Sprite – gaming lottery Sprite is known for numerous activations dedicated to gaming fans. Our task was to prepare a gaming lottery promotion in which you could win gaming consoles and equipment. We prepared creative packages which were given to 15 influencers: Naruciak, Blowek, Nexos, Dźejdźejka, Farell, Nexos, Izak, Gimper, Sitrox, Jacob, Manoyek,…

Old Spice – Zapachnisty level

#CASE STUDY Old Spice – Zapachnisty level Old Spice’s entry into the esports market simply couldn’t be missed! We prepared an advertising spot (both the creative concept and production) featuring Izak and Nervarien which was aired during the League og Legends World Championship broadcast. In addition, we created a dedicated game where you could play…

AllStars Gillette

#CASE STUDY ALL STARS GILLETTE Dedicated realization of All:Star prepared for Gillette under their titular patronage was polished in every aspect. On the live broadcast, a tattooed barber shaved Nervarien’s goatee, something Damian had been planning to do for quite some time. Dis was on location in Los Angeles and connected to the studio for…